主演:LucSchwarz MoncefFarfar CorinneBlanc-Faugère RamziAbed ErwanCarton 欧嘉·米尔施泰因 CarlaTarley ChemsEddineHafsi MailysBianco 茱迪丝·谢拉 索菲安·哈米斯 MaëlRouinBerrandou 达利·本萨拉赫 LorettaFajeau-Leffray AlexisTranBertin
介绍:当前正在播放《我和我的兄弟们》正片,讲述Nour, a 14-year-old boy, is enjoying the beginning of the summer holidays in the South of France. He is the youngest of four brothers. They live together in a council estate, taking turns caring for their mother who is in a coma. She used to love Italian Opera, so Nour plays it for her, and develops a passion for that music. However, when Nour's mother suddenly regains consciousness, she is unable to remember anything about her life, including her love for opera. Nour is faced with the challenge of rekindling his mother's love for music, all while balancing his own aspirations and responsibilities.